city-dmxcat.png City Theatrical DMXcat Multi Function Test Tool


Interface device is a compact battery powered device unit

Bluetooth LE technology for communication with smartphone/ applications

5 pin XLRF connector/ cable assembly allows it to be connected to a point in a DMX data chain

USB to Micro-USB cable and charger

  • Software Applications:
  • DMX Controller -a single universe (512) DMX channel controller with two user interfaces.
  • Fixture ControllerDMX-test app for multi-attribute fixtures with built in database of lighting fixtures.
  • RDM Controller-App for bi-directional communication/control of RDM enabled devices.
  • DMX Tester-Permits users to analyze and or adjust settings for transmitting or receiving DMX.
  • RF Spectrum Analyzer (Android only) For surveying and visualizing Wi-Fi networks.
  • DIP switch calculator
  • This app simplifies the configuring of DIP switches used for setting DMX addresses.
  • Light Meter (Android only) Useful for setting light levels for on-camera use.